Strength-Based | Solution-Focused

Our Services

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Child and Teen Therapy

Working children is a specialty focus, and we have therapist trained to work this age group. Our therapist will consider the Biological and Developmental Age of the child as well as their Mental Health concerns to tailor treatment specific to their needs.

Children and teens sometimes have difficulty engaging in – “just talking” – for 50 minutes. Our therapists are specially trained in various strategies to Increase Engagement and Understanding. Methods include Play Therapy for children (i.e., utilizing toys to mimic family/peer interaction, art, and games), and Making Connections with music & media that a teen can relate to.

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Couples and Family Therapy

Couples Therapy is between two romantic partners. Treatment is always tailored to the couple’s identified goals, taking into consideration personalities and individual histories. Typically, we recommend people receive Individual Therapy prior to Couples Therapy. Sessions are 50 minutes and the focus is to Improve Communication, Problem Solving, Bonding, and the overall Quality of the Relationship.

Family Therapy is with two or more people that are in the same family/household. Treatment is always tailored to the family’s specific goals and culture. Typically, we recommend people receive Individual Therapy prior to Family Therapy, but it is not a requirement. Sessions are 50 minutes and the focus is to Improve Communication, Problem Solving, Bonding, and the overall Quality of the Relationship.

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Adult and Older Adult Therapy

Developmental changes don’t stop when one turns 18. We all experience changes and transitions throughout our lives that can impact our well-being and ability to adapt. Our Therapists are trained to work with young adults (18-26), adults (26-64) and older adults (65+). We know that life in your 20’s can look very different from life in your 40’s, 60’s and on. Let us help Guide you through Your life’s transitions.

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Group Therapy

When experiencing distress, it’s common for people to feel alone. Group therapy is a great way to create a sense of Community and Understanding. Group therapy consists of 1-2 trained Therapists that lead a group of 6-8 individuals. Groups often focus on specific topics such as “Adults with Depression,” “Children with Acting Out Behaviors,” and “Victims of Domestic Violence.” If traditional therapy practices combined with the peer supported experience sounds right for you, give us a call.

*Please check our Group Calendar for updates on upcoming Group Therapy sessions.


Common Reasons People Seek Therapy

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Anxiety presents itself as excessive worry. It can result from reasonable stressors, or can occur for no identified reason. Anxiety can cause difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, fatigue and restlessness. Some individuals also experience panic attacks. These symptoms could impact your life in various areas (i.e., home, work, school). You may become easily overwhelmed when relating to family members and work colleagues. It could impact your ability to initiate tasks or activities, and impact your ability to maintain meaningful attention.

Guiding Strength Therapy utilizes researched backed treatment interventions that lead to the most successful results. Your therapist will work with you to identify triggers to your anxiety, and assist with making connections between your thoughts, feelings and behavior. We work to help you develop a sense of control to challenge and re-frame negative thoughts, and assist with strategies to improve how you respond to them.

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Depression can be described as excessive sadness or “feeling blue.” It could be triggered by reasonable events or be present when there is not an identified reason. Typically, there are negative thoughts about oneself, others, and of the future/world. Depression can develop a sense of hopelessness where, “nothing I do is good enough,” and one feels “what is the point of trying?” It could also include symptoms of difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, irritability, low energy/fatigue, and reduced desire to participate in activities that you used to find enjoyable.

As with anxiety, your therapist will work with you to identify the barriers and underlying reasons to your depression. They will assist you with making connections between your thoughts, feelings and behavior, and show how to challenge and re-frame the negative and maladaptive thoughts that are getting in the way. Your therapist will collaborate on coping strategies for you that will help increase your energy. They will also show you how to manage setbacks so you don’t fall into old habits. We will work to teach you more effective communication and problem-solving strategies.


“Trauma” would be any negative event that occurred in your life that has caused a meaningful impact. This event, or events, can impacted how you think, feel or act in a negative way. Sometimes negative events can have significant impacts including nightmares, flashbacks, avoidance of reminders of the event or avoiding thinking about the event altogether. Typically trying to avoid thinking about it only puts more attention on it and creates a pressure where flashbacks and intense emotions come up at inconvenient time. This could impact your ability to focus, including being too distracted or overwhelmed by emotion to comprehend and thoroughly complete tasks. You may be participating in unhealthy coping strategies such as substance use other high-risk behavior (sexual acting out, gambling, dangerous physical activities) as to avoid the feelings or as a form of distraction.

Your therapist will help you understand how the trauma has impacted you on a bio-psycho-social level. We then assist in developing strategies to manage your distress by learning effective coping strategies and understanding the connection between your thoughts, feelings and behavior as it pertains to this trauma. Once it is determined you are ready, your therapist will work with you to discuss your trauma in a gradual and meaningful way where, overtime, talking about it causes less and less distress.



Anger issues could stem from a range of underlying concerns. Feelings of frustration, anger, and irritability that seem disproportionate to the triggering event. Sometimes anger can also go inward where one becomes passive, silent, but feels this boiling tension build inside.

At Guiding Strength Therapy, we will work with you to identify the root of your anger, and tailor strategies specific to your case. Your therapist will work with you on how to appropriately express your thoughts and feelings, and develop techniques on how to communicate and collaborate with others to better achieve your goals.

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Relationship Issues

Relationship issues could be between romantic partners, friends and family members. Concerns could range from difficulty communicating, ineffective communications (yelling, avoiding), bonding and showing affection, and problem solving for day-to-day functions including maintaining the household or finances.

At Guiding Strength Therapy, we will work to break down the seemingly “unmanageable” to make it manageable. First, your therapist will work at clearly identifying the problem, and collaborate with you on underlying factors and contributors that may be less observable. Through that process, specific strategies can be developed, whether it’s just improving communication, or at a deeper level of repairing trust.

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Career Issues

Are you unhappy with your job or coworkers? Unsure what “next steps” to take, or starting something new?

At Guiding Strength Therapy, we allow you an opportunity to vent and explore the reasons for your unhappiness. We then collaborate on strategies to help you reach your goals.

See How we Can Empower You,Today